Auto Accrue vxPremia without claiming
Wasn't sure how to write the title, or how it would work, but some sort of optional wrapped token, or opt-in staking method where 1 wvxPremia == an increasing amount of vxPremia, or Premia like the old way of staking did.
This is a potentially tax-optimized way to handle the returns as a swap transaction vs staking interest/dividends which for some people cannot be written off against income
ok, thought about this and it would simply be some kind of wrapped autocompounder that issues a receipt token - something like wvxpremia. We already have a compound claim button (which is usually what i've been using) so I don't think it takes too much more code to do this.
DK (Drew) Premia
Interesting, so kind of like looks rare.. hmm i like it ill raise a ticket for it!